SC ECE Website
The SC ECE website is built using Next.js and serves as a platform to showcase events, team members, galleries, and details about SC ECE. It provides an interactive and user-friendly experience for students and visitors to explore and stay updated with the latest activities.
🔥 Version : V 1.0.0
✨ Live Link : Click to Visit Website
🔰 Table of Contents
🛠️ Tech Stack
This project utilizes the following technologies:
- Next.js: A React framework for building server-side rendered and static web applications.
- MongoDB: A NoSQL database for storing application data.
- Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework for designing responsive user interfaces.
- GitHub: Version control and collaboration platform.
🎉 Features
The website includes the following features:
- Events:
- Displays a list of all upcoming and past events.
- Each event has a dedicated page with detailed information.
- Includes a certificate gallery where participants can view and download their certificates.
- FAQ section to answer common questions related to the event.
Team Members:
- Showcases core members and mentors of SC ECE.
- Provides brief descriptions and roles of each team member.
- A collection of images from various events and activities.
- Well-organized sections to navigate through different events.
About SC ECE:
- Provides an overview of SC ECE, its mission, and activities.
- Includes a contact page where students can reach out for queries and collaboration.
🌍 Community Strength
- 26 Team Members
- 8 Events
✨ Live Link : Click to Visit Website