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Batch Script to Rename Files


This script renames all files in the current directory to a new format with a specified prefix followed by a sequential number and retains their original extensions. For example, if the prefix is set to newname, the files will be renamed as newname1.ext, newname2.ext, and so on, where .ext is the original file extension.

Usage Instructions


  • Ensure that you have the files you want to rename in the same directory as the script.

Steps to Use the Script

  1. Create the Batch Script:

    • Open Notepad.

    • Copy the following script:

       @echo off
       setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
       REM Set the prefix for the new filenames
       set prefix=newname
       REM Set the starting number for the sequence
       set /a num=1
       REM Change directory to the folder containing the files
       cd /d "%~dp0"
       REM Loop through all files in the directory
       for %%f in (*.*) do (
           REM Get the file extension
           set "filename=%%~nf"
           set "ext=%%~xf"
           REM Check if the file extension is not .bat
           if /i not "%%~xf"==".bat" (
               REM Generate the new filename
               set "newname=%prefix%!num!!ext!"
               REM Rename the file
               ren "%%f" "!newname!"
               REM Increment the counter
               set /a num+=1
       echo All files except .bat files have been renamed.
    • Save it as rename_files.bat in the directory where your files are located.

  2. Run the Batch Script:

    • Double-click the rename_files.bat file.
    • The script will rename all files in the directory according to the specified prefix and sequence number.
    • After the script completes, a message saying "All files have been renamed." will appear.
    • Press any key to close the command prompt window.


  • The script uses delayed variable expansion to handle the sequential numbering correctly.
  • The script assumes all files are in the same directory as the batch file.


  • If the script does not run as expected, ensure that:
    • The batch file is saved in the correct directory.
    • There are files in the directory.
    • You have the necessary permissions to rename files in the directory.


Before running the script:


After running the script:
