Batch Script to Rename Files
This script renames all files in the current directory to a new format with a specified prefix followed by a sequential number and retains their original extensions. For example, if the prefix is set to newname
, the files will be renamed as newname1.ext
, newname2.ext
, and so on, where .ext
is the original file extension.
Usage Instructions
- Ensure that you have the files you want to rename in the same directory as the script.
Steps to Use the Script
Create the Batch Script:
Open Notepad.
Copy the following script:
batch@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion REM Set the prefix for the new filenames set prefix=newname REM Set the starting number for the sequence set /a num=1 REM Change directory to the folder containing the files cd /d "%~dp0" REM Loop through all files in the directory for %%f in (*.*) do ( REM Get the file extension set "filename=%%~nf" set "ext=%%~xf" REM Check if the file extension is not .bat if /i not "%%~xf"==".bat" ( REM Generate the new filename set "newname=%prefix%!num!!ext!" REM Rename the file ren "%%f" "!newname!" REM Increment the counter set /a num+=1 ) ) echo All files except .bat files have been renamed. pause
Save it as
in the directory where your files are located.
Run the Batch Script:
- Double-click the
file. - The script will rename all files in the directory according to the specified prefix and sequence number.
- After the script completes, a message saying "All files have been renamed." will appear.
- Press any key to close the command prompt window.
- Double-click the
- The script uses delayed variable expansion to handle the sequential numbering correctly.
- The script assumes all files are in the same directory as the batch file.
- If the script does not run as expected, ensure that:
- The batch file is saved in the correct directory.
- There are files in the directory.
- You have the necessary permissions to rename files in the directory.
Before running the script:
After running the script: