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GCCD KOlkata 7 May 2023

As a college student attending the GCCD Kolkata events on May 7th, 2023, at the Biswa Bangla Convention Centre, I was struck by the grandeur and beauty of the venue. The convention centre was spacious, modern, and well-equipped, providing the perfect setting for a day of learning, networking, and exploration. The main auditorium where the keynote speakers delivered their talks was impressive, with comfortable seating and excellent acoustics. The stage was beautifully designed and equipped with the latest audio-visual technology, ensuring that every speaker was heard and seen clearly. The convention centre also had several spacious and well-lit breakout rooms where workshops and interactive sessions were held. These rooms were equipped with the latest technology and provided an ideal environment for hands-on learning and collaboration. In addition, the convention centre had a large exhibition hall where attendees could explore the latest innovations and technologies. The exhibition hall was bustling with activity, with participants and exhibitors engaging in lively discussions and demonstrations. The venue was also well-organized, with clear signage and helpful staff members guiding attendees to their respective sessions and workshops. The refreshments and catering services provided were top-notch, ensuring that everyone was well-fed and energized throughout the day. Overall, the Biswa Bangla Convention Centre provided an excellent venue for the GCCD Kolkata events on May 7th, 2023. The combination of modern facilities, beautiful design, and attentive staff made for a memorable and productive day.

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